This post is not intended to address the sociological implications of makeup or the racial/gender/socio-economic preferencing some see makeup as having/giving/etc. Whew. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about some pretty lipstick!
See, I wear red lipstick 3-5 days out of the week. The other days I wear gloss, or nude lipstick, or maybe nothing. But most days, I wear red. It's my signature look. I used to be afraid of it. I used to think I looked clownish. But I like it, and I've seen the reactions I get.
"Wow, you look pretty today!"
"Ma'am." (With a hat tip!)
"You just look so happy!"
This is in addition to the numerous conversations, comments, and general feeling of being popular and well-liked.
So here's my theory:
Red lipstick (or pink, or whatever - your signature shade) is not for anyone else. In fact, they probably don't even really notice the lipstick. Only a couple people have commented on it specifically. Instead, they notice a more confident person. Someone who knows she's a badass. Knows she looks hott. Knows the world is her oyster. Knows that no matter what happens, the lipstick will stay on.
So regardless of whether wearing makeup is a mask, or plays to gender stereotypes, or privileges whoever (I'm not really that kind of historian...), can something that makes you feel so good be bad? Especially when it's really harmless? I say no.
That said, here are some of my faves:
L'Oreal's British Red - this is probably my very favorite. I wear it most days, especially since it's easy to apply and doesn't make me feel all goopy.
Make Up Forever's Moulin Rouge Rouge Artist Intense. I like this one, although it's a little dark for me. I've only worn it a couple of times, but it's in the regular rotation.
This guy. Yowza. This is THE lipstick. Make Up Forever's Aqua Rouge in Iconic Red. This lipstick has been personally responsible for many things I shouldn't talk about on a blog my mother reads. And when Make Up Forever says Forever, they aren't kidding around. HOURS of wearing this, no smudging, no leaving lipstick on everything. Just wow. *
So those are the main guys. Here are my 3 handy dandy tips for wearing red lipstick, even if you think you can't**:
1. Wear eyeliner, mascara, and white/nude eyeshadow ONLY. No one wants to look like a clown in this situation.
2. I don't line my lips, because I've been wearing makeup since the womb, but if you need to, go to Sephora or someplace and have them help you match colors.
3. Wear blush. I wear Nars in Orgasm every day (which is also awesome). That way you have a little color and don't look like Snow White. Unless you like shorter men and poisoned apples, and then, by all means, go for it. Do what you do.
*I stole these from the Sephora website/Google images. Don't sue me.
**I in no way take responsibility if you don't like/can't wear red lipstick. I think you will, and can, but I'm not a professional makeup putter on-er or anything.
Now to decide which to wear tomorrow...
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