What is "History & Pearls"?
When I first started this blog, I wanted a place to write my thoughts, and an outlet for creative writing that had nothing to do with what I actually do for a living.
Thankfully, it's evolved so far beyond that.
History & Pearls is now a place where I can write about anything from feminism to shopping, from history to television, from Memphis to Europe.
Basically, it's about my life.
My life includes:
Eating a lot of amazing Memphis food.
Cooking so I don't get fat/poor from eating all the Memphis food.
Watching too much TV.
Talking about history.
Buying makeup.
Putting together outfits.
Being a feminist.
Being a friend.
Being a human.
Having fun.
Having not so much fun.
Loving my life.
Loving the idea of loving my life.
Making friends.
Keeping friends.
Letting friends go.
And so much more.
So History & Pearls is a true "lifestyle" blog.
I'm always happy to have guest bloggers, to talk about and promote products I love, to take suggestions for content, and I love comments!
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